VM-Pro promoted during the Conference “Move.Link.Engage. Fundamentals.Wanted”
5th regional conference „Move.Link.Engage.Fundamentals.Wanted“ was organized by Belgrade Open School in hotel Zira in Belgrade on 12th and 13th of September with the support of Embassy of Sweden in Belgrade. Besides of Embassy of Sweden, organization of this conference was supported by OSCE mission in Serbia, Foundation Solidar Swiss, The European Fund for the Balkans and European Union.
The aim of this conference was to promote and encourage regional approach to solving common problems and better cooperation between citizens and organizations of civil society in process of European integrations.
In one of the sessions entitled Skills.Wanted – Guidance Policies Towards Future Skills Development, participants discussed improving youth employability and dual education in Serbia. Senior expert on VET policies and systems, the European Training Foundation Helmut Zelloth, spoke at the session, pointing out that mentoring an individual in education is a significant component in developing a career guidance and counseling system.
The two-day conference gathered together over 200 participants.
During the conference, flyers of the VM-pro project were distributed.