“According to the Labour Force Survey (EAK), in 2015 there were more than 561,000 Flemish people between the ages of 20 and 64 who were hindered in their daily [...]
LADAPT evolves its recruitment tools with the launch of Profil’Screening ! This new platform is part of the association’s ongoing efforts to promote the [...]
Today, the Human Rights Council noted that disabled people are increasingly reporting discrimination. As a person with a disability, Jasper van der Does often notices that [...]
This company, which specialises in the labour market for executives and senior technicians, has opened a new centre to facilitate the placement of workers with disabilities [...]
Schools should be screened for conscious and unconscious discrimination in their pedagogical project and school regulations. That’s what Ides Nicaise, associated with [...]
Many pupils who come from secondary special education (vso) do not succeed in further learning or in finding a job, according to De Staat van het Onderwijs (The State of [...]
There is no doubt that Tytgat Chocolat is resisting beacons when it comes to the image of people with disabilities’, writes Patrick Vandelanotte of vzw Grip. But it is [...]
Today, 80% of people with a mountain hike in France are completely invisible. This may surprise you, but it’s a reality: 2% of people with disabilities are in [...]
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